Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Single Mommy and Library Decorum

As I seem to do best...get upset and write....that is what I am going to do tonight and so here we go......

As a student at University you would think students, who have gone through 12 years of schooling already, in addition to the respect and courtesy their parents are supposed to be teaching them, they would have basic respect for other people, but apparently they don't.

Tonight I had every intention of going to the Campus Library after my class to bury myself in some more readings for my classes. So I go to the library, set myself up in the QUIET (big emphasis on the quiet) Study area, take out all my books, my highlighters, my pens, and my notebooks, settle myself in to the hard wood chair, and begin to read. No sooner do I do that than these 2 students come in and sit down together and start to talk LOUDLY, and not about anything that has to do with schoolwork.

Now I try, I really try to concentrate on my books while they talk...figuring they are just settling in, like I had to do, and then they would get quiet and start to study. So I keep trying....I try for 1/2 hour...and nothing...I haven't gotten past one page in my textbook, and these 2 students are still talking about nothing of great importance and they haven't even opened their backpacks yet to study.

So I get up and go over to them very nicely, and ask them if they could please talk a little quieter, as people are trying to study. This one very rude male in a very unpolite way told me basically to shut up and leave them alone.....well....I didn't take that very I packed up my stuff and came home to write this blog...Entitled Library Decorum:

Here are some basic rules for when you go to the library....On a side would think these rules have already been taught to these students by their parents and/or teachers from previous years...but apparently not:

Rule # 1 : When you go to the library....use the library what it is meant for: STUDYING or RESEARCH

Rule # 2: If you want to talk to your friends...then do so...but don't talk to your friends in the area labeled QUIET STUDY AREA

Rule # 3: If you must go to the quiet study area then use the quiet study area as it is intended to be used....FOR QUIET STUDY

Rule # 4: If you are talking in the quiet study area, and someone comes up to you and asks you NICELY to please lower your voices, do not talk back rudely to this person, just to save polite in return to this person, who is there, just like you, to get all she/he can out of their education

If you follow these very simple rules I think everyone can have positive library experience....thank you and goodnight :)

Well actually not that I have gotten all that out of my system it is time for me to hit the books again, as I intended to do at the library :)

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