Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Special Education VS. The Single Mommy

Well I just had a very interesting phone call from my son's Special Education Teacher...and because it just feels so good to be vindicated after 2 1/2 years of arguing with her...I decided to blog about it :D

Well now, since Nicholas started the special education program at his public school, he has been receiving only speech therapy services, but he has needed occupational therapy for all this time. Well since the beginning they have been fighting me on that service, saying it wasn't educationally neccessary etc....

Well today, they called and guess what? After 2 years of me arguing them, they had to call me to tell me, they have finally seen what I have been saying for two years, he has a problem, and they need to give him services. HAHA....Finally :)

But now here is the really funny part...she asked me, if I would like him to start receiving services now, or do I want to wait till he starts kindergarten next year?!?! Why on earth would I wait for something that I have been fighting for, for two + years?

Well I don't think it is necessary to say this, but he will be starting to receive the necessary services as soon as they finish formally testing him for it.

And so this just shows matter what...just keep fighting for your child, because all children deserve the services necessary to help them succeed, and as you can see, Nicholas will finally be getting ALL those services :)

And so to end this very happy blog :

GO ME!!!! :)

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