Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Cutest and Funniest Conversation I have ever had

Nicholas- "Mommy you need to stop leaving me."

Me: "Nicholas mommy only went to the library for the school, b/c Mommy had to study."

Nick- "Mommy all you do is study, too much studying, now stop it."

Me:- "Nicholas, Mommy has to study, so Mommy can get a good education, and become a teacher."

Nick:- "No Mommy, Mrs. DePalma doesn't study, she plays, she's my teacher, you play like her.

Me:- "Nicholas, Mrs. Depalma plays with you b/c she already got her education and is a teacher, mommy didn't finish yet.

Nick:- "Well hurry up Mommy, your slow like great-grandma

Me:- "Well I'm sorry Nicholas that it took me longer, but I had to take some time to raise you."

Nick:- "Mommy I'm a big boy, you no raise me anymore, hurry up mommy."

Me:- "Ohhh ok Nicholas, I'll try to hurry up."

Now after this conversation and replaying it in my head...its no wonder I'm always so exhausted...this child is just too smart for his own good...but he's so cute too..I just can't help but love him..

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