Sunday, October 4, 2009

A thought from watching a tv show

Well if you know me at all you know that I LOVE the tv show Brothers and fact it is the only show I watch on TV. Every Sunday night, no matter what I'm doing, or how much work I have to do, I stop everything and turn on ABC and enjoy my one show.

Well after tonights episode, I had a thought. Obviously from the title of this blog...The Single Mommy, I am a single Mom, it was a choice I made myself, it was a choice I never question, but I have a question tonight....

After watching tonights episode, I saw something that makes me wonder. There is a family, a mother, father, and a son. This dynamic stays together simply because of the child. So my question is this...

Is it better to give your child a mother and a father even if you aren't happy in your situation? Or is it better to do as I did and leave the bad situation?

Well all I can say to this is simply this:

My son is soon to be 5 years old...and all I hear from anyone who meets him, is how much of a happy child he is, how they never see him without a smile on his face, how respectful he is, and how much of a pure joy he is to be around. So I say this....I made the right son is happy and I am happy and at peace with my decision. :)

So my lesson for the night for all you readers out might think you are doing the right thing for your child by staying together, but in the end, the child will realize that you stayed together simply for them, and they will feel guilt and anger. So don't do it. If you aren't happy, get out, you can both still be parents to the child, but you don't have to be together to be parents.

In my situation, his father has chosen to not be a father to his son, but that was a choice he made, and a choice he has to be at peace with. Is he at peace with his decision? I can't answer that, because I don't know. All I can say is...I am at peace.

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