Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Simply Amazed...there are no words

So today I dropped my son off at his Special Education Pre-School clasroom for his 2 1/2 hour day.

To Understand this story you need this side bit of information....Nicholas is in this program for a speech and language impairment.....

So to continue....Nicholas walks into the classroom, I am telling his special education teacher, that I will be picking him up today...when Nicholas walks over to the teacher....and pulls on her arm, (doesn't say anything), gets her attention, then points at his shoe (still not saying anything), and keeps pointing at his shoe, until his teacher who is guessing everything and anything, figures out that his shoe is wet....and this is why he is complaining.....silently....

I watch this whole scene, and then look at Nicholas and say..."excuse me since when can't we talk?" He just shakes his I then said..."well I guess since you can't talk we need to take away your TV and toys."

Nicholas: "Mommy I can talk."

Me: "I thought so, now you know better and you need to use your words, go put your stuff away please."

Nicholas: "ok Mommy, bye"

I then turn to his teacher and just look at her....

Me: "ummmmm correct me if I'm wrong, but he is here for a speech delay, since when does him not talking help with his speech impairment?"

DePalma: "Well he hasn't been here for two days, so he was looking for attention."

Me: "So we are reinforcing him getting negative attention?"

DePalma: "Well no, we aren't doing that, but he just wanted some attention from me, so I gave it to him."

Me: "but by you responding to him, without him talking, you are reinforcing him not having to talk. (Then because I really had to run because I had to get my dad to an appointment) Uhhhh I don't have time to argue this with you, just don't do it anymore....I don't need you helping him to not are supposed to be helping him TO TALK.....gotta go bye."

But I mean seriously people....really?!?! How is this OK?

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