Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Single Mommy and Library Decorum

As I seem to do best...get upset and write....that is what I am going to do tonight and so here we go......

As a student at University you would think students, who have gone through 12 years of schooling already, in addition to the respect and courtesy their parents are supposed to be teaching them, they would have basic respect for other people, but apparently they don't.

Tonight I had every intention of going to the Campus Library after my class to bury myself in some more readings for my classes. So I go to the library, set myself up in the QUIET (big emphasis on the quiet) Study area, take out all my books, my highlighters, my pens, and my notebooks, settle myself in to the hard wood chair, and begin to read. No sooner do I do that than these 2 students come in and sit down together and start to talk LOUDLY, and not about anything that has to do with schoolwork.

Now I try, I really try to concentrate on my books while they talk...figuring they are just settling in, like I had to do, and then they would get quiet and start to study. So I keep trying....I try for 1/2 hour...and nothing...I haven't gotten past one page in my textbook, and these 2 students are still talking about nothing of great importance and they haven't even opened their backpacks yet to study.

So I get up and go over to them very nicely, and ask them if they could please talk a little quieter, as people are trying to study. This one very rude male in a very unpolite way told me basically to shut up and leave them alone.....well....I didn't take that very I packed up my stuff and came home to write this blog...Entitled Library Decorum:

Here are some basic rules for when you go to the library....On a side would think these rules have already been taught to these students by their parents and/or teachers from previous years...but apparently not:

Rule # 1 : When you go to the library....use the library what it is meant for: STUDYING or RESEARCH

Rule # 2: If you want to talk to your friends...then do so...but don't talk to your friends in the area labeled QUIET STUDY AREA

Rule # 3: If you must go to the quiet study area then use the quiet study area as it is intended to be used....FOR QUIET STUDY

Rule # 4: If you are talking in the quiet study area, and someone comes up to you and asks you NICELY to please lower your voices, do not talk back rudely to this person, just to save polite in return to this person, who is there, just like you, to get all she/he can out of their education

If you follow these very simple rules I think everyone can have positive library experience....thank you and goodnight :)

Well actually not that I have gotten all that out of my system it is time for me to hit the books again, as I intended to do at the library :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Special Education VS. The Single Mommy

Well I just had a very interesting phone call from my son's Special Education Teacher...and because it just feels so good to be vindicated after 2 1/2 years of arguing with her...I decided to blog about it :D

Well now, since Nicholas started the special education program at his public school, he has been receiving only speech therapy services, but he has needed occupational therapy for all this time. Well since the beginning they have been fighting me on that service, saying it wasn't educationally neccessary etc....

Well today, they called and guess what? After 2 years of me arguing them, they had to call me to tell me, they have finally seen what I have been saying for two years, he has a problem, and they need to give him services. HAHA....Finally :)

But now here is the really funny part...she asked me, if I would like him to start receiving services now, or do I want to wait till he starts kindergarten next year?!?! Why on earth would I wait for something that I have been fighting for, for two + years?

Well I don't think it is necessary to say this, but he will be starting to receive the necessary services as soon as they finish formally testing him for it.

And so this just shows matter what...just keep fighting for your child, because all children deserve the services necessary to help them succeed, and as you can see, Nicholas will finally be getting ALL those services :)

And so to end this very happy blog :

GO ME!!!! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dating & The Single Mommy

To Start A Simple Question: Can it work?

The not so simple Answer: I still don't know how to make it work.

I remember back in high school when dating was just plain fun. Well yeah in the end there is always the heartbreak and tears, but you move on, find someone else and tell yourself all the ways this boyfriend/girlfriend is SO much better than your last. On the fun side, you went to dances, football games, movies, and you were just carefree. There were no worries, besides would it last, and in the end we were all so young we didn't even really care if it did or not, we had our whole lives in front of us.

Well when you have a child, I swear I think dating is like another job and in that sense some of the fun is taken away. Now it's always well do I have the time? Because above all else your child has to come first. Then, even if it is the first date, things are constantly running through your head...."hmmm I wonder if my son would like him? If he would like my son? I wonder if Nicholas is ok?"
Then there is the guilt. The guilt of being out when in reality there is SO much other stuff that needs to be done, schoolwork, laundry, cleaning, etc..

Then there is my favorite part...and this isn't a criticism to anyone who doesn't have a child, but when you are dating someone who doesn't have a child, they want to do things at a drop of a hat, because they have no commitments, and then when you can't they get angry and frustrated because you aren't spending enough time with them. That really is my favorite part..."I'm sorry its 9 o'clock at night, I don't have a babysitter, I can't go out at 9:30" You'd think they would understand that. Well I'm here to tell you 99% of the time they don't.

Then if you date someone who does have a child, there is double the amounts of things that are getting in your way in order to see each other.

So in the end, can being a single parent and dating work? Well I think so, but there are some basic rules I think need to be followed:

1.) Everyone deserves the chance to go set aside once a week as date night, and no matter what, get out even if you are going out by yourself, just get out, have some fun, let loose.

2.) When you are out, no matter how hard it is, forget everything, don't think a thousand questions, just go back to your high school days, and be carefree and have fun.

3.) One thing that I am very adamant on is this : don't involve your child in your dating life, until you know that this might be going somewhere, don't let your child meet every single one of your dates, because all you are doing is confusing and hurting your child, but in the end, if you do introduce your child to the person you are dating, if your child doesn't like that person, LISTEN to your child, don't just wave it off like it's nothing, because I will bet you in the end your child was right. :)

So go ahead, go out there and have some fun :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How do we do it?

I feel like I am being buried in a sea of books and notebooks, and articles, without a way to dig myself out.

I am currently a part time student at University, taking only 2 classes, and I am also currently unemployed, but I am a full time mother.

I feel like no matter how much time I spend reading, taking notes, doing homework, or taking care of Nicholas, I jsut don't have enough time in the day to get anything else done. My room looks like a copy room full of papers and books without a spare spot in sight.

My son's room, there are clothes everywhere...b/c I am in the process of weeding out all the summer clothes to replace them with the fall/winter clothes, but I need to keep stopping b/c I have to continue something else.

My basement looks like a toy store threw up, and I am making absolutely no headway there, and to top it all off my son's birthday is coming up and his best friend Jaden's bday is one day before him, so we have decided to do a joint birthday party at the gym. Well, no invites have been sent out, we haven't decided on a cake, and I just don't know how to get it all done.

Oh wait and did I mention I'm already having problems with my son's teachers and I need to make time to get to the school to figure out what the H--- they are doing to my kid to have him come home crying everyday practically. ( I'm sure its not them, I know its probably Nicholas not sticking up for himself again, and kids taking advantage of him, but still I need to find out what is going on) I'm up at 8 in the morning and I'm staying up till 1 or 2 in the morning to get everything done and yet I feel like nothing is getting done.

so in all this rambling the reason for this post is this :

To my mother, who I never gave her enough credit for all she did for us and by the way she didn't have one child...she had 3...I now get it...thank you Mom for everything.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Student Wonderings

Today I started my College class titled, The Sociological Imagination, it is basically an Intro To Sociology course. I thought this class was going to be a real bore...and just one of those common core classes, that you don't want to take...but if you want to graduate you have to suffer through it. well was I wrong......just one night of class and it has me thinking...I mean really thinking...

I am from a small town, where everyone lives in the nuclear family, (Mom, Dad, and Children), Well as you can tell by the title of my blog, The Single Mommy, My son and I, are not a typical nuclear family. So what does that have to do with Sociology?

Well tonight in class we were discussing education and the role it plays in society. We were discussing all types of things, and one item that came up, was that children whose parents are upper middle class have more advantages than other children.

Well, at my son's school, the school that I attended when I was young, I have always had the problem of being heard, being listened to. I never knew what to attribute it to. So in class tonight we had to discuss our own education systems, and it came up about my son attending the same school as I did. As we were talking, my professor asked me this question, "do you think that because in your school system, they do not have a lot of single mother's, they don't know how to deal with you? It seems to me that you are the minority in your school system, and they are not used to having to work with someone who is a young single mother."

Well did that get me thinking....and you know what...after much pondering and considering...I have come to the conclusion my professor was right. The reason I say this, if my Mother goes to a meeting for Nicholas, they listen, they do whatever she asks, but if I go alone, nothing I say matters, and they make all decisions, without considering me at all.

So what do I attribute this to? Is it that I'm young? Or that I'm single? I don't know what it is...but you can bet after this class tonight...I plan to find out :)

My First Blog

Well this is my first blog, so we will see how it goes. :) I hope you enjoy my anecdotes and stories of my fantastic little son.