Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And Off We Go

So this morning, while it wasn't his "official" first day of school, as that was yesterday. Today was his first day of taking the "big kid" bus.

Now I am the Mommy who is ALWAYS gloating about how my child LOVES to sleep...but this morning...when we need to get our butts moving, so he can catch the bus...it is not very helpful that I have the child who throws the covers over his head and tells me to "GO AWAY" in a very loud voice I might add.

Once he is up and moving after 20 minutes of arguing with him....we get dressed and make the beds and eat breakfast. While at breakfast, I start talking to him about what's going to go on today....

I then get to the part where he is going to get off the bus and wait with his teacher to go inside. At this he pipes up with,

"Why do I need to wait? I am a big boy now I know where my room is...I don't want to wait."

So I try to explain to him that these are the rules and he needs to stay with his teacher....

and he responds with " well I am not going to wait, I'm going to go inside all by myself I don't need help like some baby"

So I answered him back with, "Nicholas Gino Federico, those are the rules and YOU will follow the rules or when you get home you will not be a very happy little boy."

and he says "well why what are you going to do?"

"Oh well we will start with removing your TV from your room, your WII, and then I will go downstairs and take your trainset away."

"Mommy you wouldn't do that."

"Yes Nicholas I would. You need to follow the rules...if you don't follow the rules there are consequences."

"Ok Mommy I'll listen."

Then we come to 8:00....(yes that all happened before 8 AM) we HAVE to go outside and wait for the bus....bus hasn't even gone up our road yet...but out we go..

We take his standard first day of school shot (pics will be posted later) and then at 8:15 the bus finally arrives....he waves goodbye and walks on the bus.

At this the bus driver looks at me and says....."what no tears?" I respond, "Nope, no tears, I'm old hat at this." I wave good-bye as the bus pulls away....and off goes my little boy :)

*Note* I questioned him when I arrived home from work on whether he followed the rules and waited with his teacher and he said 'yes Mommy I listened...don't take my stuff away." :)

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