Monday, October 4, 2010

Barely Swimming

I'm only into my 3rd week in the semester, and I am 'barely swimming.' I decided to add a course to my course load this semester, so that I am now taking 3 courses instead of my 2. I wanted some challenge. I think I took too much challenge.

I turned in my first assignment of the year in my Psych/sociology course...and it's a to most a a great grade...for's an Ehhh grade...I should have gotten a 95 or better otherwise the grade is unacceptable. In History, I have somehow gotten myself a week behind in reading...another unacceptable....and in English...well I'm reading Beowulf...I have a test in 2 weeks on it...and I can honestly tell you I don't understand it at all...and need to go get the spark notes. I'm frustrated, I'm stressed and I'm barely swimming. I need to find some free time some where to get all this work done...AND this month has now started Homework for Nicholas...NOT A FUN TASK...he is hating it...absolutely hating homework...he comes home and wants to play outside...not do more BORING work...(his words not mine).

Well if you know me at all, you know that I might be having a bit of a challenge right now, but I will conquer this challenge and I will excel no matter what..I will get myself motivated, and I will succeed no matter what it enough of the whining, blogging and back to work I go :)

Wish me luck on a successful semester :)

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