Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is it possible to be too involved in your child's life?

In Kindergarten, when you are a 'typical child,' your parents need to form a communicative relationship with your teacher. When you are that child that needs just a little bit more help, your parent/s need to form that same relationship with the regular ed teacher, the special ed teacher, and with anyone else servicing that child.

In my son's case that would also include the speech therapist, and the occupational therapist. So let's count that up. That is 4 people who are working with my son on a daily and weekly basis.

I can honestly say at this point, the only person I have spoken to is his regular ed teacher, and I must say this sentence is really getting old to me, "he's really just doing so well." She sounds like a broken record. Now let me tell you...I chose this teacher for Nicholas. I know she is the best. I think she is very good, but what I also think is she is trying to placate me. Keep me happy so to speak. It is now a month since he has been in school, and I have not spoken once to his special ed teacher,who works with him everyday. Let alone his therapists.

As a child going through this same school system, I never realized the lack of communication there was inbetween the teachers and the parents. Now that I am a parent of a child, to me it seems, the only time you speak to the teachers is at conferences, or meetings. Other than that, communication is at a zero, oh wait no...let us not forget the weekly newsletter, there is that communication.

Each week, at least 3x a week, I either drop off or pick up my son, so I am always in 'their face' so to speak. I just wonder how parents are involved in their child's school life if their is no communication. Tomorrow...on my day off...I am going into his school to hunt down his special ed have a little talk with know...I need to get in her face, make sure she knows I'm not going to go away.

But I just wonder, maybe I expect to be too involved in my son's life?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day for Mommy, Second week for Son

So today started my fall semester. I was so ready this morning to start school...I didn't sleep all night thinking of everything I had to have packed and ready to go. So off to work I went, absolutely exhausted, for lack of sleep. After working 4 hours, I headed to school. Completely excited about the start of the semester. I walk into class...and I got even more excited when the professor remembered me from a year ago.

Only I shouldn't have gotten excited about that...he seemed to remember that in that semester when he had a question..I could usually answer it, because I actually did the reading. Unfortunately his class was a year I didn't remember all his questions.

Here is an example of how the class went.....

"Does anyone know the name of this historical building? Melissa, what's the answer?"

"Uhh the Parthenon."

"Right. And Melissa who was the Parthenon built for?"


"Excellent. And where is the Parthenon located?"


"Right but more specifically where."

"Ohhh ummm shoot on a mountain...can't remember the name"

"Melissa you remember this, we discussed it last year.."

"Ohhh ummmm OOOOHHH on top of the Acropolis"

"Right...and there is an exact replica of the Parthenon built somewhere in the United States, who knows where? (No one answers) Melissa?"

"Nashville, Tennessee.."

"Excellent, Excellent, have you been there Melissa?"

"Nope I saw the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, and they take you there."

(At this he busts out laughing)

And that is pretty much how my entire class went....

Then I get out of class...and I have a phone call from my mother..."to call her immediately, about my son."

So I call, and what does she tell me?

That, "MY SON, pulled a stunt today, and refused to get onto the bus this afternoon, b/c his Grandpa was picking him up. that MY SON, held up the bus, because he refused. That MY SON MADE the teacher call his Grandpa to find out if Grandpa was picking him up" (Which he wasn't)

So it's been a great start :)